fredag den 25. april 2014


Hi y'all!!
When Emily asked me to do a guest spot on her blog, i got excited.  I had just decided to start doing what i call "At home self portraiture sessions" where I photograph myself at home and make art out of a photo.  I'm getting better at it everyday... and I had so much fun using the insanely gorgeous breastplate that Emily designed just for me.  It literally goes with everything I own.. coincidence? nah....:)

Basically, with my self portraits, I get a flash or idea of a photo in my head and then i do everything in my power to make it come to life.  Its not easy, its a lot of trial and error, and if you were a fly on my wall you would laugh.  I use my iphone, along with a self timer and tripod... i do a lot of running back and forth... and then i spend about an hour obsessively editing.  Each edit is different, depending on the esthetic of the self portrait. I plan on getting better and better at these, and hopefully can add to this collection of photos i did for this post. 

Besides taking professional selfies, I'm a hairstylist, wife, kitty mama, rum drinkin, booty shakin, fashion lovin' southern girl... i'm scatter brained, messy, impossible to argue with, and a horrible cook. I live in Nashville, TN in a beautiful loft downtown and i'm married to the man of my dreams. I gravitate towards beautiful creative souls and I have an online shopping addiction.  Thats basically all there is to know about me. 

xoxx, Leah                   
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Sometimes you open up a interior book or a fashion magazine....and in this case Instagram...and you see images that inspires you like crazy. Inspires you to create, to dream, to dare, to be more playful & to appreciate the beautiful gift of life a little bit more. That was some of the feelings I had when being hit by the magic of Leah's IG profile. She's an amazing storyteller! It's impossible to separate Leah's amazing talent of styling her daily outfits, from the way she (& her husband) has chosen to decorate their wonderful loft. It's all so perfectly unperfect united in a story of life & love! This will definitely not be the last feature of Leah on this blog!!

Love & Lights, 


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